VAT Exemption for People with Diabetes

Diabetes patients are eligible for VAT exemption on certain products necessary because of their condition. Examples of these are lancets, test strips, blood glucose monitors.

This is because under the VAT law, people with long term or chronic medical conditions may not be charged VAT on products designed or adapted for your own personal and domestic use, related to your condition.

So as you navigate our site you may see the adjacent banner illustrated against these items.

This means that if you or the person you are buying for qualify for VAT exemption that you can purchase this item with no VAT charged.

You dont have to buy the goods for yourself. If you are a parent or spouse and you buy the goods for your loved one, you can still claim the VAT exemption for their condition.

You can do this by making a simple declaration to us through your Account Login.

Once you have completed the details of your condition and signed to confirm your declaration your account will apply VAT exemption automatically on all relevant products when you add them to your shopping basket.